Saturday, 20 April 2013

Where Does The Time Go?

Cannot believe it is April already!  Furthermore I have been AWOL in terms of keeping up to date with the progression through the list.  Apologies for this, but I blame this in part to what was a previously limited amount of personal time, which was primarily being used to seek a new career, followed by me now settling into my new routine.  Now I have a lovely work/life balance I hope that the adherence to and crossing off of items in the Thirty Before Thirty List will be frequent and at increased pace.

So a not so brief recap:

Finally got some baking done, however it has been a limited amount from the Baked & Delicious collection (#1) and I have to confess I have been keeping a terrible track.  I plan to make a conscious effort as of next month to start maintaining a more accurate record and indeed more bakes in general.  That being said these confectionery delights went down a treat at Easter!  

Chocolate Easter Nest
Bird's Eye View

Creme Egg Cupcakes

I am also lacking in the bookworm department of late (#8); I might even go as far to say I haven’t picked up a single book…paperback, hardback or electronic-back.  However the ‘happy ending’ date is still some time away so I have time to work on that as well as the baking.

One thing I can say is that I have been reasonably organised for birthdays and occasions, which is just as well in the month of April as I have no less than 6 people to give unto gifts and countless wishes of Happy Birthday to send.  February this year seemed pretty busy too, however did include a relaxing weekend in Crieff with the ladies (and Charlie) celebrating the 30th birthday of my lovely friend Aoife.  All that is left to say is roll on the quieter month of May and the jumping back on The List wagon.

March did see one item being officially checked off… #24 Go to a Country Music Festival.   For anyone who knows me well enough, I have been a fan of country music from a young age (“but you’re not that old” they gasp).  My parents will attest to this being the case and whilst I have an eclectic musical interest, Country has and will always be my number one choice.  There isn’t a thing in life that the right Country song does not have an answer for or cannot make better on some level.  So what better way to please the ears and heart of the Southern Belle in me than Country To Country?  It was a first of its kind here in the UK, bringing together some of the greatest country music stars in the world, including Brantley Gilbert, Carrie Underwood, Tim McGraw, and my all-time favourite Leann Rimes (seeing her live was a dream come true and I am not going to lie I cried).  I can honestly say it was by far the best music event I have ever been to, and I cannot wait until the next opportunity…next stop Nashville.

Everything else is a work in progress but hopefully there will be a more defined progress in the coming months; it’s not a race, it’s a journey.

Lynsey x

Monday, 7 January 2013

Work in Progress

So the craziness of Christmas and the possible end of the world as we know it has put the progress of The 30/30 Project on low burn recently, but with the beginning of a new year I have a renewed zest and dedication to it all.
First step was to get off on the right foot and get back in the gym, as per #11 of The List.  So far so good and the news that it will be open from 6am every weekday is an added bonus... although I still think it is far more likely I will go after work than before!

Thanks to a lucky dip Christmas gift (care of the lovely Steph), I have the impenetrable vessel for saving £1 per day (#9); if only completing one item for The Jar everyday (#10) was so easy... but still I haven't failed yet (just some are better than others).

Finally to brighten up my day and lift those January/Monday blues, I worked on one of my personal favourites from The List, #18 Adopt a Hedgehog! I have been doing quite a bit of research and tonight I got to go see and hold some of the prickly little cuties.  Unfortunately there won't be any new babies until later in the year, but something to look forward to!  Huge thank you to Dagmara for being so welcoming and sharing her knowledge.

My only concern currently is the lack of progress I have made on #1... there has been zero baking done since before Christmas and if I have any chance of completing that one I better get mixing (only 530 days to go).

Lynsey x

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The List!!!

I am almost reluctant to put this out into the world because once I have done so there is no going back.  Well technically there is; it is My List and of course I am free to add, remove and substitute as I please, there are no Life List police, however I would rather stick with the original where possible and if possible add some of those that didn't make the original cut.

Be pre-warned, this list is not necessarily overly thrill seeking... I hate heights and have no intentions of jumping out of planes or abseiling down a gorge!  It is a little self-indulgent, slightly random and very much personal. Here it is...

Thirty Before Thirty List

  1. Blog my way through every Baked & Delicious recipe
  2. Do something for someone else at least once a month
  3. See friends and family more
  4. Have read all the books I own at least once and have read all the Nicholas Sparks novels and seen the corresponding movies
  5. Learn the rules of Basketball so when I go to Scott's games I can accurately shout "Bad call ref!"
  6. Have a new home (or have decorated my current one to my satisfaction) and have a tidy home
  7. Be organised for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and other holidays
  8. Find at least one thing per week for The Jar
  9. Save at least £1 per day
  10. See one new movie per week
  11. Go to the gym at least twice a week
  12. Run a 5k
  13. Watch all the award winning Best Pictures (since 1928)
  14. Get a Chanel Red Lipstick and Perfume
  15. No longer be a nail biter
  16. Learn to play a song I love on the piano
  17. Learn to speak enough Spanish to hold a conversation
  18. Adopt a hedgehog
  19. Watch the sunrise from a beautiful spot
  20. Send a message in a bottle
  21. Swim in a mermaid fin
  22. Have my dream body
  23. Go to a drive in movie
  24. Go to a Country Music Festival
  25. Have a no budget spending spree
  26. Ride on the Orient Express
  27. Go to the airport and take an unplanned trip
  28. Get a small tattoo that means a lot
  29. & 30. These two will have to remain a mystery to the outside world, but they do exist and I do plan to see them through
Let's just hope my optimism that the end of the Mayan calendar isn't the end of the world  is not in vain and I will have the opportunity to see it all through.

Lynsey x

Monday, 17 December 2012

The 30/30 Project

As a result of recent conversations had with a few different friends, I have decided to set myself a little task. Whilst the thought of ageing does not appeal to any of us, I am not consumed by the prospect of turning thirty (age is only a number), I am however motivated to start doing the things I want to do for me. Putting a time limit and setting expectations gives it weight and purpose... most importantly I am not one to quit without a fight!

The 30/30 Project is just a fraction of the vast and eclectic things I wish to achieve, do, experience, learn and feel, however it marks the official beginning of a journey that began when I wasn't paying any attention at all.

It may spark your interest, entertain and inspire you. You may think it is silly and ridiculous. Or you may be indifferent to it. Either way it is important to me and that is really all that matters (encouragement and well wishes are welcomed though!).

As The List is only just complete there is still a level of planning to undertake... whilst I think it is achievable, I haven't actually spent the time researching the practicality of multiple goals. I thought about keeping it mostly to myself, but then where would be the fun in that.

The List will follow....

Lynsey x